AdaptNLP-Rest API

Quick Start

Docker Hub

The docker image of AdaptNLP is built with the novetta/adaptnlp:latest image.

The docker image of AdaptNLP’s NLP task rest services are hosted on Docker Hub as well, identified by adaptnlp:{VERSION_NUMBER}-api-{TASK} naming convention

Every image can be pulled and run by using the following convention:

docker run -itp 5000:5000 -e TASK_SPECIFIC_ENVIRONMENTAL_PARAMS novetta/adaptnlp:latest-api-{task} bash

Depending on the task, it may need specific environmental variables to go with it. Examples for each of the six tasks are below:

  • Token Tagging
    • TOKEN_TAGGING_MODE: The type of tagging to perform, such as ner
    • TOKEN_TAGGING_MODEL: The name of the model to use, such as ner-ontonotes-fast
    • An example docker run:
      • docker run -itp 5000:5000 -e TOKEN_TAGGING_MODE=ner -e TOKEN_TAGGING_MODEL=ner-ontonotes-fast novetta/adaptnlp:latest-api-token-tagging bash
  • Sequence Classification
    • SEQUENCE_CLASSIFICATION_MODEL: The name of the model to use, such as nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment
    • An example docker run:
      • docker run -itp 5000:5000 -e SEQUENCE_CLASSIFICATION_MODEL=nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment novetta/adaptnlp:latest-api-sequence-classification bash
  • Question Answering
    • QUESTION_ANSWERING_MODEL: The name of the model to use, such as distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad
    • An example docker run:
      • docker run -itp 5000:5000 -e QUESTION_ANSWERING_MODEL=distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad novetta/adaptnlp:latest-api-question-answering bash
  • Translation
    • TRANSLATION_MODEL: The name of the model to use, such as Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-ar-en
    • An example docker run:
      • docker run -itp 5000:5000 -e TRANSLATION_MODEL=Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-ar-en novetta/adaptnlp:translation-api-latest bash
  • Summarization
    • SUMMARIZATION_MODEL: The name of the model to use, such as facebook/bart-large-cnn
    • An example docker run:
      • docker run -itp 5000:5000 -e SUMMARIZATION_MODEL=facebook/bart-large-cnn novetta/adaptnlp:summarization-api-latest bash
  • Text Generation
    • TEXT_GENERATION_MODEL: The name of the model to use, such as gpt2
    • An example docker run:
      • docker run -itp 5000:5000 -e TEXT_GENERATION_MODEL=gpt2 novetta/adaptnlp:text-generation-api-latest bash

Build and Run

Manually build and run your own docker images and deploy endpoints by following one of the below methods:

1. Docker Build Env Arg Entries

Specify the pretrained models you want to use for the endpoints. These can be Transformers pre-trained models, Flair’s pre-trained models, or your own custom trained models with a path pointing to the model. (The model must be in the directory you are building your image from for your respective NLP task)

Token Tagger

docker build -t token-tagging:latest --build-arg TOKEN_TAGGING_MODE=ner \
                                     --build-arg TOKEN_TAGGING_MODEL=ner-ontonotes-fast .
docker run -itp 5000:5000 token-tagging:latest bash

To run with GPUs if you have nvidia-docker installed with with compatible NVIDIA drivers

docker run -itp 5000:5000 --gpus all token-tagging:latest bash

Sequence Classifier

docker build -t sequence-classification:latest --build-arg SEQUENCE_CLASSIFICATION_MODEL=nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment .
docker run -itp 5000:5000 sequence-classification:latest bash

To run with GPUs if you have nvidia-docker installed with with compatible NVIDIA drivers

docker run -itp 5000:5000 --gpus all sequence-classification:latest bash

Question Answering

docker build -t question-answering:latest --build-arg QUESTION_ANSWERING_MODEL=distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad .
docker run -itp 5000:5000 question-answering:latest bash

To run with GPUs if you have nvidia-docker installed with with compatible NVIDIA drivers

docker run -itp 5000:5000 --gpus all question-answering:latest bash


docker build -t translation:latest --build-arg TRANSLATION_MODEL=Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-ar-e .
docker run -itp 5000:5000 translation:latest bash

To run with GPUs if you have nvidia-docker installed with with compatible NVIDIA drivers

docker run -itp 5000:5000 --gpus all translation:latest bash


docker build -t summarization:latest --build-arg SUMMARIZATION_MODEL=facebook/bart-large-cnn .
docker run -itp 5000:5000 summarization:latest bash

To run with GPUs if you have nvidia-docker installed with with compatible NVIDIA drivers

docker run -itp 5000:5000 --gpus all summarization:latest bash

Text Generation

docker build -t text-generation:latest --build-arg TEXT_GENERATION_MODEL=gpt2 .
docker run -itp 5000:5000 text-generation:latest bash

To run with GPUs if you have nvidia-docker installed with with compatible NVIDIA drivers

docker run -itp 5000:5000 --gpus all text-generation:latest bash

2. Docker Run Env Arg Entries

Sometimes you may want to specify the models as environment variables in docker post-build for convience or other reasons. To do so use the below commands to deploy any of the above NLP task services. The example below runs the token classification service.

docker build -t token-tagging:latest .
docker run -itp 5000:5000 -e TOKEN_TAGGING_MODE='ner' \
                          -e TOKEN_TAGGING_MODEL='ner-ontonotes-fast' \
                          token-tagging:latest \

To run with GPUs if you have nvidia-docker installed with with compatible NVIDIA drivers

docker run -itp 5000:5000 --gpus all -e TOKEN_TAGGING_MODE='ner' \
                                     -e TOKEN_TAGGING_MODEL='ner-ontonotes-fast' \
                                     token-tagging:latest \

3. Local

If you just want to run the rest services locally in an environment that has AdaptNLP installed, you can run the following in whichever NLP task directory you would like.

pip install -r requirements
export TOKEN_TAGGING_MODEL=ner-ontonotes-fast
export QUESTION_ANSWERING_MODEL=distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad
uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 5000


Access SwaggerUI console by going to localhost:5000/docs after deploying